*For parents without access to a computer or unable to access the internet please contact the appropriate school office.
To get started, please carefully choose from the following options:
Students that ended the year with WPS.
Students that have NEVER been in the WPS school system.
Students coming from outside the WPS school system but have previously attended at any time in the past.
School Code: LWND
PowerSchool is Weatherford Public Schools Student-Information-System. Parents/Guardians must have a PowerSchool account to complete the Enrollment Forms at the beginning of each school year for their student(s). Enrollment Forms contain critical information for students in a convenient place. Parents/Guardians with students in grades 5th-12th have instant access to their childs gradebook and attendance, making your involvement in your student's success easier.
For school enrollment a parent/guardian must provide the following:
- Student's Birth Certificate; issued by the state
-Student's current Immunization Record, or a completed and signed exemption form
- Parent/Guardian Proof of Residency, see below
- Student's CDIB card; if applicable
- Any legal/court documents relating to the child and/or custody, if applicable
-Proof of Residency
A Proof of Residency must be in the parent/guardian's name and can be any of the following:
- Rental/Lease Agreement
- Mortgage Statement (dated within the past 60 days)
- Notarized Letter of Residence (used if you don't have a lease or live with friends/relatives) from the homeowner - Include names of all persons living in the household and provide a utility bill in the homeowners name.
- Utility Bill - electric, water, gas (dated within the past 60 days - cut-off/disconnection notices, bank statements, credit card bills, and unopened envelopes are not acceptable)